Evaluation Tools for 12-18 year olds
This evaluation system will help youth development professionals share the value of local youth development programs with legislators, parents, other agencies as well as internal stakeholders. In this time of shrinking resources, youth development programs must provide valid documentation to show the difference that the programs are making in the lives of youth we work with everyday. Making decisions is the process of identifying and selecting a choice among possible alternatives and then evaluate the consequences of that choice. This survey assesses youth’s decision-making ability by examining the frequency of use of the following skills that are needed to engage in sound decision-making. 1. Define the Problem 2. Identify the Alternatives 3. Identify the Risk and Consequences 4. Select an Alternative 5. Evaluate To learn more about the research used for building the instrument, activities that go with this area, or see a copy of the form, click on the links below: Research Abstract Teaching Resources Evaluation Instrument
Critical thinking is defined as thinking that evaluates reasons and brings thought and actions in line with evaluations. Youth may know how to access and locate, interpret, and apply information. However, if they do not invest any time in evaluating the information they use, their efforts often result in a low-quality product. Worse, failure to evaluate may result in unfavorable outcomes especially when associated with flawed information. This survey will assesses youth’s critical thinking ability by examining the frequency of use of the following skills that are needed to think critically. 1. Reasoning 2. Enquiry 3. Analysis/Information Processing 4. Flexibility 5. Evaluation Research Abstract Teaching Resources Evaluation Instrument
Solving problems is the process of using reasoning and analysis to look beyond the surface of a problem to the underlying concepts that need to be part of the solution. It is a process of recognizing and correctly defining problems, creating and implementing solutions, and evaluating the results of those solutions. This survey assesses youth’s problem-solving ability by examining the frequency of use of the following skills that are needed to engage in problem-solving; 1. Identify/Define the Problem 2. Analyze Possible Causes or Assumptions 3. Identify Possible Solutions 4. Select Best Solution 5. Implement the Solution 6. Evaluate Progress and Revise as Needed Research Abstract Teaching Resources Evaluation Instrument
Goal-setting is the process of setting benchmarks, monitoring progress, and utilizing feedback to achieve a targeted result. This survey assesses youth’s goal setting ability by examining the frequency of use of the following skills that are needed to set realistic goals. 1. Goal difficulty 2. Goal specificity 3. Participation in goal setting (strategies, self-monitoring, incentives) 4. Feedback Research Abstract Teaching Resources Evaluation Instrument
Oral communication is the dynamic process by which people exchange thoughts, ideas, and messages. Listening is the act of interpreting sounds and/or visual stimuli and using those interpretations to give them meaning. This evaluation assesses youth’s ability to communication by examining the frequency of use of the following skills that are needed to use effective communication practices. 1. Awareness of one’s own styles of communication 2. Understanding and valuing different styles of communication 3. Practicing empathy 4. Adjusting one’s own styles of communication to match others' styles. (Communicative adaptability) 5. Communication of essential information 6. Interaction management Research Abstract Teaching Resources Evaluation Instrument
This tool is a combination and condensed version of several tools listed above. For Research Abstracts and Teaching Resources, see links above. 1. Decision Making 2. Critical Thinking 3. Communication 4. Goal-Setting 5. Solving Problems
Leadership is a combination of character and integrity, goal setting and planning, conflict resolution. decision making, and problems solving. Staff evaluating leadership programs may want to use the combination Skills for Everyday Living and the Leadership survey. This survey assesses youth’s character and integrity and overall leadership ability by examining the frequency of use of the following skills that are needed to lead. 1. Character and Integrity 2. Overall Leadership
Research Abstract Teaching Resources Evaluation Instrument
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Please direct questions about this site to Daniel F. Perkins, Ph.D. |
Department of Agricultural and Extension Education at The Pennsylvania State University |
E-mail: dfp102@psu.edu Phone: (814) 865-6988 |
or |
Claudia Mincemoyer, Ph.D. |
Department of Agricultural and Extension Education at The Pennsylvania State University |
E-mail: cmincemoyer@psu.edu Phone: (814) 863-7851 |
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Web-based Assessment and Evaluation Information System |
Developed by Bruce E. Haas, Ph.D., Human Service Research, Inc. © 2001 |